Agents and Sellers , the more you prep your home for the inspection the sooner we can get out of your way!
Here is a List of items you can do to help us spend less time in your home.
- Make sure that there are not a lot of items under the sinks. This will help us look for leaks and not have to empty out your belongings to inspect.
- Make sure all the appliances that will need to be inspected are empty, such as the dishwasher and yes even the OVEN!
- If the electric sub-panel has been painted the inspector should not be the one to cut it off the wall to inspect the wiring and the breakers.
- Pets should all be out of the home and away from the property. If this is not possible, please kennel them for the inspection.
- Possessions should be out of the way of the outlets as much as possible.
- The crawl space and attic doors or hatches should be readily accessible.
- Change any burnt out light bulbs and the batteries for the smoke alarms.
- Cars should be parked outside of the garage if possible.
- Last but not least: PLEASE DO NOT LIE on the disclosures!!!! I will find them and you will be caught!